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We want to partner with you by providing resources that give you the chance to connect with your student and help them grow in their faith based on the current series. For weekly conversation starters from our upcoming series, start here!

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Current Series

You have been invited! Some of the most disappointing things in life are when you aren’t invited to do something you really want to do. Maybe it is a birthday party, or the invite to join a specific team. It doesn’t even stop in childhood. It could be to the college you wanted to attend or maybe even the job that you wanted, but you never had an invitation to accept. Well, the greatest invite in the world has been sent out. Jesus has invited you to follow him! As we study the life and person of Jesus we implore you to accept the invitation to ABIDE because Jesus is worth following.


Week 1 - January 8 | Fasting

  • Read: John 15:1-5, 7; Matthew 11:28–30

  • Examine: When you are invited to be part of something, it might mean you have to sacrifice other things. If you are invited to a birthday party, you might have to sacrifice watching a big game. Students know this very well. Their lives are so full of opportunities that they can seem overwhelming. Not only do they have things they have to do, but there are things they want to experience as well. They can’t always happen at the same time. Either their schedule doesn’t fit it all in, their parents’ schedule is already full, or they weren’t invited to experience it. God knows the right things we should experience. This is why we have been invited to Abide. Fasting requires us to take away things in our lives, allowing us to focus more clearly on the most important thing: Abiding in Jesus.

  • Apply: What is something we can begin to fast from to focus more on what God has for us? As a family, think through one food aspect and one social aspect and commit to fasting.

  • Pray: Pray that God will allow your family to replace the things you are fasting from with more of Him. Ask Him to give your family focus on the right things this year.

Week 2 - January 15 | Bible Study

  • Read: John 15:7; Colossians 3:16; 2 Timothy 3:12-17

  • Examine: Have you ever tried talking to someone who clearly isn’t listening? If you have kids, you definitely have experienced this. It can be incredibly frustrating to want to communicate important things and be ignored or blocked out by other voices. In the case of our kids, we want them to realize that we just want what is best for them. God is our Father and feels the same way. He has given us His Word, which will lead us to what is best for us. We have been invited to listen, and this is done in studying the Bible. While this discipline may sometimes feel like a chore, it’s a benefit to our relationship and a privilege we get to do. In a world with many voices competing for our attention, we need to give it to the voice who spoke us into existence and declared His love, the greatest love, over us.

  • Apply: How can your family study the Bible together throughout the year? Is there a plan or devotional you can go through together once a day/week?

  • Pray: During your prayer time this week sit in silence with God. It may be awkward, but the habit of listening for Him, even when we don’t hear anything, teaches us to wait on Him.

Week 3 - January 22 | Prayer

  • Read: John 15:7; Philippians 4:4-7; James 5:16; 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

  • Examine: Ask any reputable and trustworthy relationship expert, and they will tell you that open and honest communication is one of the greatest aspects of a healthy relationship. Talking to God is difficult for many people, especially students. What do we say to the one who knows our every thought? And why won’t He give me what I want? The cool thing is that God WANTS to hear us. Whatever we want, we have been invited to ask. It doesn’t mean we just get whatever we ask for, but when we are connected to Him, our requests become aligned with what He desires for us. Our prayers aren’t for God’s benefit, but rather for our own. To know that we can talk to our Creator and Savior builds trust that He cares and listens to each and every one of our voices.

  • Apply: What part of prayer do you find most difficult with? Share some of your prayers with your students and ask them about theirs.

  • Pray: Ask God to give your family a healthy prayer life where you turn to God before anything or anyone else.

Week 4 - January 29 | Abide Night

  • Read: John 15:1-11

  • Examine: There are lots of great things in this world. Your students know this well. They’ve got great food, video games, sports, and a host of other things in life that are designed to give them satisfaction. And yet, we have been invited to more. As great as some things are on this earth, God knows there is nothing as good as abiding in Him. Being connected to Him allows us to experience true joy and fulfillment.

  • Apply: What is a spiritual goal that you have for the rest of the year? Share that with your students and challenge them to have one as well!

  • Pray: Ask God to help you set and pursue valuable spiritual disciplines in your family’s life, and to make it a regular rhythm that leads everyone to Him.

Upcoming Events


Feb 5, 2025 • 6:30p - 8:15p

RevStudents Parent Night


Feb 9, 2025

Stewardship Class

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Feb 16, 2025 • 2:00p - 4:00p

Worship Band Auditions

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Feb 21 - Feb 23, 2025

High School Weekend

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Jun 9 - Jun 13, 2025

RevStudents Mission Camp