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We want to partner with you by providing resources that give you the chance to connect with your student and help them grow in their faith based on the current series. For weekly conversation starters from our upcoming series, start here!

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Current Series

Everyone loves a good love story—whether it’s Romeo and Juliet, Princess Leia and Han Solo, or even Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce. While these love stories may entertain us, they don’t necessarily provide an example to follow. However, nestled within the Old Testament’s wisdom literature is a love song called Song of Solomon or Song of Songs (The Best Song). Over the next few weeks, we will follow the story of a couple as they navigate dating, marriage, sex, and conflict. As we glean wisdom from their love story, we can discover more about how God wants us to navigate our own!


Week 1 - February 5 | Attraction

  • Read: Song of Solomon 1:2-3 & 2:7; Proverbs 22:1

  • Examine: There is a normal rhythm of life when something changes and young boys and girls begin to notice each other. It might start out as something like teasing each other, but as they grow older, this changes as well. One of the most natural things that can happen is for someone to be attracted to another person. However, if we want to have Love Stories that last, there has to be a better starting point than physical attraction. As we begin to look at what a love story is supposed to look like, we see that attraction might be natural, but character is necessary in your love story.

  • Apply: Have a conversation with your student about characteristics of a person they think they should look for in a relationship. Share about some of the character traits you looked for!

  • Pray: Pray that God would help bring people of character in our lives.

Week 2 - February 12 | Dating

  • Read: Song of Solomon 1:16-17, 2:1-2 & 2:8-3:5; 1 Corinthians 13:4–7

  • Examine: Dating is at a pretty interesting place in today's culture. There is a large amount of pressure to be in a relationship, and it can often feel like there is something wrong with someone if they are not. The biggest problem with modern dating is that there is no purpose behind it. As we continue in the story found in Song of Solomon, we see that as the couple grows in knowledge of each other, they grow in relationship with one another. Dating is a time to get to know each other and evaluate someone's character over time to see if that person is the right kind of person. However, it is not just about who we date, but also about how we date. When we date with the right intentions, we have a better chance of finding real intimacy.

  • Apply: Talk with your student about when they feel it is appropriate to start dating. Point back to the purpose of dating to help inform this timeline you can agree upon.

  • Pray: Pray that we would operate in wisdom when it comes to how we date.

Winter Break - February 19 | No RevStudents

There is no RevStudents on Wednesday, February 19 due to Winter Break. Please be praying for the High Schoolers & leaders who are joining us at High School Weekend on February 21-23!

Week 3 - February 26 | Boundaries

  • Read: Song of Solomon 2:16-17 & 4:12-15; Galatians 5:19-23

  • Examine: The areas of life with the most risk often have the biggest boundaries. A great example is how curvy roads have strong and steady guardrails to keep from going off the road and keep people safe. In the same way relationships have big risks, and if we don’t have good guardrails set up, we run the risk of hurting ourselves and others. God is not silent on this area of our lives. We know that if we don’t control our desires, our desires will control us!

  • Apply: If you have not already, begin having conversations with your student about the pressure we can get from others and our own desires when it comes to relationships. Talk with your student about some practical boundaries they can set up to help in relationships.

  • Pray: Pray that we would let our relationship with Jesus be the source of our strength to help us have firm boundaries.

Week 4 - March 5 | Marriage and Sex

  • Read: Song of Solomon 3:6-5:1; 1 Corinthians 6:18; 1 Thessalonians 4:3-5

  • Examine: If you think of any great song, it is most likely about relationships. Have you ever asked why? Songs are created to express an intense emotion. Being in a relationship can and should provoke powerful emotional responses. While this isn’t necessarily a negative thing, there are many cases where someone may “feel” ready for something, like sex, before the appropriate time. However, we know that our feelings can fail us. We are never to be guided by our feelings over the Word of God. God designed sex in the context of marriage for many reasons that lead us away from heartache and toward great joy. Marriage is made for intimacy and is celebrated as a covenant of love and trust.

  • Apply: Ask your student what they think are some differences in a relationship between people that are dating and people that are married? Why do they think those distinctions matter?

  • Pray: Pray God will allow great, healthy conversations between you and your student about marriage and sex. PrayHe will give you the wisdom and words you need.

Week 5 - March 12 | A Love That Lasts

  • Read: Song of Solomon 8:5-14; Genesis 2:24; Psalm 23:6

  • Examine: When a couple gets married, they say vows to each other. Traditional vows often say “for better or worse, through richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, as long as we both shall live.” And yet, the divorce rate in the United States is 50%. This would naturally cause confusion to kids and students growing up about the nature of love. Why even get married - or wait until marriage to act married - if there is such a high chance the marriage can end? God knows we will encounter trials that will test our relationships. That’s where love comes in. True love is enduring, overcoming conflict, and growing stronger over time. God’s design was for marriage to last, like His love for us. God IS love. He chooses to love us, regardless of our flaws, fighting, and failures. We are to do the same in marriage.

  • Apply: Have you and your student write down different ways someone can pursue their spouse AFTER they are married. Keep this list and give it to your student for the potential day they get married.

  • Pray: Pray for your student’s potential future spouse. Pray God would be caring for them, watching over them, and for them to see God’s loving pursuit of them even now.

Week 6 - March 19 | Panel Discussion

  • Read: Song of Solomon 7:10; 1 John 4:14-19

  • Examine: RevStudent leaders will be joining us on stage to discuss and share what Godly relationships look like.

  • Apply: Keep conversations about relationships a frequent discussion in your household. By making it routine, the awkwardness of the conversation minimizes for both sides. It also allows your voice to become much more present in a world that is competing for their attention, especially in regards to dating and relationships.

  • Pray: Pray your student will be surrounded by good, uplifting relationships that point them towards Christ.

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Mar 19, 2025 • 6:30p - 8:15p



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