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3 Things You Can Do to Finish the Multiply Initiative Strong

1. Pray for our church and our future.
2. If you've made a pledge, complete your commitment.
3. Give to the Multiply Initiative.

It will take all of us sacrificially giving in order to accomplish our vision.

Please join us in praying about your sacrificial financial contribution to the Multiply Initiative.

Give to Multiply

What is Multiply?

Multiply is a 3-year initiative that started in March 2017 and will go through December 2019. We are intentionally focusing on the command of God to multiply in every level of our church. In order for us to maximize our ability to seek and save the lost, we are committing to Multiply our efforts and connect more people with the Gospel by intentionally reproducing Leaders, Artists, Campuses, and Churches. We must not be content with just being a church who sees many people trust Christ within our walls; we must continue to strive to Multiply into more communities to seek and save more people.

What is My Part?

Multiply is for everyone! We are asking each family to make a sacrificial commitment to give above and beyond the tithe to see multiplication take place.