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We are looking for 18-25-year-olds with a call to ministry who love Jesus and the local church. We believe in developing and multiplying leaders at every level of the church. Our internship program is a great way to get a hands-on and meaningful experience in the day-to-day of our church's ministries. Internships offer the opportunity to lean into God, learn from our Staff, and develop leadership skills. It's so much more than making coffee runs and sitting through meetings. Our goal is to inspire and equip the next leaders of Revolution Church.



Our summer interns learn valuable ministry experience as they serve with different events and projects. Interns typically work around 40 hours a week depending on requirements the position they are applying for. Summer Internships will begin the week of May 27 and run through August 4. Internship Application deadline: May 1, 2024

Students Canton 3


Learn how to plan, coordinate and execute Kids Ministry at weekend gatherings, recruit and develop ministry leaders, oversee purchasing of supplies as well as learning how to cast vision and lead a ministry.


Learn how to plan, coordinate and execute Wednesday Student Gatherings, assist in planning Mission Camp, recruit and develop Student and Adult Team Members as well as learning how to cast vision and lead a ministry.


Create life change story videos through planning, writing, and editing.


Learn the world of live and post production serving behind the scenes. Learn audio, video, lighting and other aspects on state-of-the-art equipment.

Who is eligible to apply for the Internship?

We are looking for 18-25-year-olds with a call to ministry who love Jesus and the local church.

What is expected of Interns?

Each intern is responsible to:
- Attend weekly gatherings
- Work 30-40 hours each week
- Attend monthly All-Staff meetings
Please note: If you are currently in school, you are expected to plan your school schedule around your Intern schedule, not the other way around.

What does the Internship cost?

The only cost associated with the Internship is travel to get here each day and any meals you purchase while working here.

Do Interns get paid?

Yes. Interns are paid bi-weekly at $12-15/hr depending on the role.

Have more questions?

Email Internship@Revolution.Church and we’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have.