Are you interested in taking the next step in your formation as a follower of Jesus? If you want to see growth, it is important to be intentional. At the Abide Cohort, we’ll start by taking a snapshot of where you are in your formation journey. Pastor Jason will teach through how Jesus lived and equip you to create a Revolution Rule of Life based on the rhythms of Jesus.
We will host the cohort for three Monday nights: February 24, March 3 & March 10 from 6:30-8:00p.
UPDATE: Limited childcare was available but is now full. Since this is an adult-only event, please make arrangements for your children prior to attending if needed.
What if I miss one of the three Abide Cohort sessions?
We will give everyone online access to each session. This access will be sent to all registered attendees via email.
What are Formation Groups and how do I join one?
Once you complete all of the sessions of the Abide Cohort, you will join a Formation Group. Formation Groups are gender-based groups of 4 people (or 3-5, there is no specific rule) that meet throughout the year, on their own schedule, to share their Rule of Life and encourage each other. The church is NOT going to matchmake these groups. You can choose who you want to be in your Formation Group. The information on how to get into one, what will guide you through the Formation Groups, etc. will be on our website after the last Abide Cohort session.
I don’t know anyone at Revolution Church. How can I find a Formation Group?
Your next step may not be a Formation Group. It may be Joining A Team or a Community Group and meeting more people. Formation Groups do not have to just include Revolution Church attendees. You can ask anyone in your sphere of influence to be in your Formation Group.
How long does someone stay in a Formation Group?
Formation Groups are designed around a 10-12 month cycle and then we will encourage multiplication. HOWEVER, we are not going to mandate multiplication. Four men or four women living in community with honest, transparent and vulnerable relationships that go on for years is a great thing. You can also multiply (start a new Formation Group with a different 3-5 people) and STILL have those relationships.
Is there an age requirement for Formation Groups?
Formation Groups are for people who have already graduated High School. The next step of formation for students is regular attendance on Wednesday nights and participating in small groups.
Do I have to attend the Abide Cohort to be in a Formation Group?
No. But everyone in the Formation Group must watch all of the Cohort sessions. Why? The main part of the Abide Cohort is forming a Rule of Life and living that out in community with your group members. Everyone in a Formation Group will need to watch all of the sessions for instructions on how to create a Rule of Life
I am already in a Community Group. Do I have to find new people to be in a Formation Group?
You can do that if you want, or you can simply ask the men or the women in your Community Group to be in a Formation Group.
We already break men and women up in our Community Group and meet once a month. Do we have to stop doing that?
No. You’re ahead of the game! After the Abide Cohort is over, we will have a guide available for Formation Groups on our website. You will be able to use the guide with the men/women in your Community Group.
I’m already meeting together with three guys and we’re doing a Bible Study. Is that a Formation Group?
No. Formation Groups are based on A Rule of Life: following Jesus by doing the things that He did (spiritual disciplines) to become more like Jesus in order to have honest relationships with others for the good of the world.
Who can be a Formation Group leader?
Formation Groups will not have a leader. The Formation Guide that will be available at the end of the Abide Cohort is what leads the Formation Group. Each person in the group will need to have attended the Abide Cohort or watch all of the sessions online in order to create their Rule of Life. Everyone in the group will participate in discussions and live in community together as they live out their Rule of Life.